How to choose the best water filter

Water is the basis of our life. Its quality and quantity directly determine the qualitative and quantitative indicators of our health. And overestimating the importance of pure water for the formation of a growing organism is simply impossible! We realized all this well enough, and, as a result, surrounded ourselves with all kinds of water filters. But this is where the riddles begin: it is not so simple to give an intelligible answer to the question “Which filter to choose for water”. So if you need a water filter system installation, then read the materials in this article in more detail.

Let’s get to how to choose water filters systemically. And we begin with this – the water is different. River, sea, swamp and rain, lake, water and well, melt water of mountain peaks and water of artesian springs of the Sahara. So how does it differ? All these waters differ in fillers: mechanical, biological, metal salts, compounds of chlorine, sulfur, manganese and fluorine, fats of various origin, pesticides, radionuclides, salts of heavy metals and a lot of stuff, which makes the water unique in taste and smell, healing, neutral or simply unfit for human consumption. Of the total amount of water on Earth, only 1% is potable!

The first thing that comes to mind is that you need to clean not only water, but also air and soil. But now we are talking about water purification.

Which water filter is better

Classification of household filters looks simple:

  • Jug Type Filters
  • Water purifiers nozzles
  • Sink flow filters
  • Flow filters for washing
  • Reverse osmosis systems

Inside each type of filter, you can choose the type of cleaning cartridge that is right for your type of water – for hard water, for fluoride-containing water, etc. That is, first of all, you should realize the difference in the expressions: “which filters are best for water” and “these filters are for which water is better”. Very specifically understand what kind of water in your water supply. Determining which filter to choose for water, it is very important to clearly define your needs and objectively coordinate them with real possibilities.

Which water filter to choose

So, theoretically, the problem has been mastered. But when buying a filter you will be tormented by many questions:

  • How to buy a water filter?
  • Pitcher, nozzle on the tap, on the sink and under the sink and even with reverse osmosis?
  • Which manufacturer should I prefer?
  • What water filter to buy for a country house?

And many more practical questions. Useful reasoning – how often do you (or your family) cook, how many liters of water do you consume every day, and how much space can you devote to innovation?

By the way, when buying a filter, bend closer to it and smell: the filter for water purification is constantly in contact with drinking water, it should be made of environmentally friendly, safe materials that do not emit any chemistry or a characteristic smell. As for our or imported products, believe me, we have no worse, technologies have long been mastered. And there are always spare parts. Here, rather, a design question – who likes what more.

At the moment, reverse osmosis systems top the rating of filters for water treatment – and this is not surprising; their effectiveness is confirmed by numerous studies and impressions of ordinary users. These units, if desired, can be understaffed not only with a mineralizer, but also with a structurizer – this will make the water rich in useful minerals that can improve digestion and blood circulation. The maximum degree of purification of such systems is 0.0001 microns. The frequency of replacing the reverse osmosis membrane is once every 3 years. The frequency of replacing post-cleaning cartridges is once a year. Reverse osmosis systems are chosen by people who want to constantly consume highly purified water without overpaying for it.